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Doodling : Symmetry

doodle my other half

This month – February – is all about LOVE and hearts and Valentine’s Day. Speaking of love, have you noticed that hearts are symmetrical? This led to me thinking about drawing and symmetry. Symmetry is “the quality of being made up of exactly similar parts facing each other or around an axis” – Oxford Dictionary.

Drawing with two hands simultaneously seemed like THE literal representation of drawing and symmetry:



My aim is to draw both sides so that they mirror each other. Have you tried drawing with both hands at the same time? It’s a good challenge as it takes some coordination and you’ll realize quite quickly that your non-dominate hand may not have as much control as you want it to. Our faces and bodies are, for the most part symmetrical, so they make good subjects to draw using this technique. Try drawing a portrait of yourself or someone you know. Give it a go!

Another way to practice drawing using symmetry is to draw the other half of something that has two sides that seem to reflect each other. You can try this using this doodle download.

Click on the image below and print to doodle the other half of a dog, cat, frog, and an owl.

What other things can you think of that are symmetrical?


doodle download preview

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Be sure to share your drawings online and tag us #kidcandoodle so that we won’t miss it. 🙂

Happy doodling!

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