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Finish the Scribble with Sheena Monahan


Not long after I started a twitter account for kidcandoodle, I came across Finish the Scribble, hosted by artist Sheena Monahan, a drawing game that anyone can play by taking a scribble created by Sheena’s son, and then turning it into their own creation.

Finish the Scribble with Sheena Monahan



The idea came to Sheena when she found her then three year-old son’s doodles in her watercolor pad, and decided to share one on her Facebook page, asking her friends to interpret what they saw in the scribble. Sheena, who also contributes her own illustrations as shown here, was overwhelmed by the many fantastic solutions by her participants.


Finish the Scribble was born, and now the game continues on twitter every week, too. We even had them as a guest prompt on Weekly Doodle Challenge last year.

“I enjoy the social element of this game, sharing ideas and bringing people together.”— Sheena Monahan



Sheena says:

After interpreting the scribble in your own way, and then seeing the scribble transformed into something completely different by another person… the game just opens your eyes to the uniqueness of other people’s point of view. You begin to really appreciate the visual explanation someone took to draw it all out for others to see. I absolutely love the camaraderie and I’ve met a lot of amazing people who are now my friends.



You don’t need to have any artistic talent to play. The question is “what does it look like to you?” Finishing a scribble with a few lines here and there to explain what you see is all you need to join in. The artist community of scribble masters (people who have submitted a finished scribble) are always supportive and understand the brainwork it takes to find something out of a random mess of lines.



I also love that the scribbles sometimes force you to draw something you would never think of in your wildest dreams!! The strangest thing a scribble made me draw… was a duck dropping off some mail with a bear in a banana suit and a squirrel dressed as an acorn standing behind him. How silly and fun is that?!



The game just opens your mind and if the final product looks ridiculous you can simply blame the scribble 🙂 allowing you to have no inhibitions and just let your imagination loose.




How to play:

Check out and like Finish the Scribble on Facebook  or follow @3yroldscribble on Twitter to see all the amazing submissions! The game is a great brain teaser and a good way to unleash your imagination while fine tuning your artistic abilities!


The best part is, the scribbles are completely unadulterated and unbiased; just an innocent little scribble by a three year-old boy.


All art courtesy of Sheena Monahan / Finish the Scribble.


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